“MY LEGS OF STEEL” is phenomenal!!! After only ONE workout I noticed striations in my outer quadriceps that were never there before….I NEVER thought gains like this were possible after only one workout… each subsequent workout has brought more striations and definition, increased strength, increased endurance and in addition I’ve added 3 lbs. of muscle in 2-½ weeks (significant for a natural bodybuilder). “MY LEGS OF STEEL” offers benefits to people of all ages and body types. Once again, thank you for showing me this phenomenal program.”

C. Gregurich, 20 , Natural Bodybuilder


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"For the past two years I spent an absurd 4-7 hours per day 7 days/week, still not achieving the results I wanted and deserved. I asked about "MY LEGS OF STEEL". I was skeptical that something requiring so little time could do anything, but I was desperate and gave "MY LEGS OF STEEL" a try, was I ever proven wrong!!! I got results right from week one. Now.....a complete metamorphosis has taken place. I can now wear short shorts and get many admiring looks...my entire body has toned up (even the lower buttocks and thigh region)...With much gratitude..."

A.S. Ross, 21 , Student

It's not about the QUANTITY of your workout...

It's about the QUALITY!

Only 12 minutes every 3 days!

What Makes "MY LEGS OF STEEL" So Powerful?


Per unit time is the amount of weight one moves in a given time frame. The more weight you use the more calories you will burn. For example, if you do 10 repetitions with 100 pounds you would move 1,000 pounds (10 X 100 = 1,000 lbs.). The more weight one moves the more muscles is recruited and subsequently, the more calories are burned. Here's how that applies to the average person using two very familiar exercises, bench press and legs press, for building muscle and losing body fat.

For example....


LEG PRESS 726 lbs.
BENCH PRESS 201 lbs.

DIFFERENCE....525 lbs.




Notice more weight is mover per unit time doing the leg press over the bench press. This means the leg press will expend more calories in the same amount of time than the bench press.


Less time working out!

More fat/cellulite burned!

More muscle!

More definition!

More tone!

More strength!

More stamina!

More endurance!

More quickness!

More speed!

For ONE set he must do over 3 sets of bench press to equal one set of leg press! (see below)

(5,808 divided by 1,608)

Leg Press: 726 lbs. X 8 reps = 5,808 lbs. moved.

Bench Press: 201 lbs. X 8 reps = 1,608 lbs. moved.
Difference...................................4,200 lbs.!


He must do over 42 sets of bench presses, over 11 sets of traditional leg presses to do the same amount of work in less than 15 minutes!


Activate the fast, slow and intermediate fibers in concert with the aerobic and anaerobic processes.

Generate the kind of intensity that releases optimal amounts of testosterone and hgh to accelerate: fat loss, sexy muscle, strength, endurance, health and more


leaving you more time to do other things!


"MY LEGS OF STEEL" creates an Accelerated Adaptation Response through a unique, intense combination of sets, repetitions, and weight percentages working the fast, intermediate and slow twitch fibers while synergistically engaging the aerobic and anaerobic processes of the body burning "additional calories" while triggering the release of testosterone and growth hormone that further assist in fat/cellulite burning and muscle building. It is physiologically impossible for this program to fail you if you do the program!! Get to your fitness and performance destination faster!

"MY LEGS OF STEEL" is a quick, intense “failure-rest” program that engages fast, intermediate and slow twitch fibers while simultaneously overlapping aerobic AND anaerobic processes producing an Accelerated Adaptation Response which does not triggering over-training and a loss of muscle!

"MY LEGS OF STEEL" consists of 5 sets of various repetitions and percentages which is what makes it so affective. It is like jogging several miles, running a 440, followed by sprints and a leg work out, ALL in 15 minutes or less!

If you think just doing leg presses is the answer, you're half right. The bodybuilder above, was already doing leg presses and squats. It's not just the "doing" it's the "HOW"! “MY LEGS OF STEEL" shows you HOW!


A semi truck can pull more weight than a pickup because it has a bigger engine which must burn more fuel. In your body your legs and buttocks are the bigger engine! Legs and buttocks move more weight than any other muscle group in the body and as a result will burn more calories resulting in YOU loosing fat and getting fit faster!

The legs and buttocks are the biggest, strongest, most resilient muscles in the body. The strength, power and stamina of these large muscles gives them incredible metabolic fat burning and anabolic hormone releasing potential!

The results are fat is incinerated, cross-striations and definition are etched in, strength, growth, power, stamina, endurance, muscle tone, are developed and your body is transformed.

The physiological changes created by the progam include:

1. increased vascular density, allowing for greater oxygen uptake which manifests as increased stamina and endurance!

2. Increased testosterone, HGH and IGF-1 output. manifests as strength increase and fat loss, which is seen as muscle tonus, i.e. strong, sexy, fit muscle!

Traditional programs may go to failure but still require more weights and cardio because they rarely trigger an Accelerated Adaptation Response. Additionally, most people work the smaller, weaker upper body muscles and just USE the legs to jump around, jog, etc., and as a result they are not as strong, quick or fast as they could OR perhaps need to be!

When you intensely WORK the legs a side effect is the upper body will get fitter and stronger as well due to the dumping of testosterone, HGH and IGF-1 into the general circulation!


To burn fat most efficiently and faster, you MUST build muscle to most effectively raise your metabolic rate. The legs and glutes are not only some of the largest and strongest muscles, but they account for approximately 65% of the bodies muscle mass, contrasted to the upper body accounting for only 35%. This difference is like choosing to drive 65 mph vs. 35 mph.!

These LARGE, STRONG and RESISLIENT muscles are not challenged by jogging, aerobics classes or even sports in a way that causes an Accelerated Adapatation Response and produce fast results, until now!

People start their fitness journey jogging and/or jumping around in an aerobics class. Why? Because the fastest way to get fit is to use the large muscles of the legs and buttocks in some capacity! The problem!

Traditional programs must use multiple anaerobic and aerobic exercises to hit fast, intermediate and slow twitch fibers AND address the anaerobic and aerobic processes. These programs use the smaller muscles of the upper body, which is very time consuming, if you're trying to initiate a maximum fat burning metabalism or release muscle building hormones! Working the larger muscles (quads & glutes) better maximizes one's metabolic rate vs. the smaller muscles above the waist.

Whatever program you use....

Beachbodies, Athlean-X, P90X, Insanity, Internet App workouts, V Shred, bodybuilders programs, etc.,

whatever your goals...

fitness or athletic performance...

Use "MY LEGS OF STEEL" at the beginning of whatever workout program you are doing and watch the transformation begin. There are a lot of good programs out there but "MY LEGS OF STEEL" is unlike anything out there and unmatched by any of them in producing noticeable results fast!

Add "MY LEGS OF STEEL" at the beginning of your workout today and watch your fitness and/or performance efforts accelerate!


I'm Ty. I was in my mid forties getting a degree in Nursing. My 1-1/2 hour workouts 6 days a week would become 20-30 minutes a couple days a week. How was I going to maintain my fitness level? I had an epiphany and MY LEGS OF STEEL was born.

MY LEGS OF STEEL took only 12 minutes every 3 days. In one month (ten workouts) I went from 12% to 3% bodyfat; and over the next 9 months I went from leg pressing 245 lbs. X 8 reps. to 1,055 lbs. X 8 reps.. My strength, stamina, endurance, quickness, speed all dramactially improved. So dramatic were my changes others, who had seen the before me, wanted to know if I was taking steroids?

I told them about my 12 minute leg press program with NO dieting, NO supplements just incorporate it into their current routine!

You should have seen the skeptical looks I got from the women and heard the, "...12 minutes?, Yea right" from the men.

How could something requiring so little time do so much, I had to be on steroids! I said "No", and replied.....

''What's 12 minutes to give it a try?"

Your Image

Ty Sellers

Your Image

My lean new body at 3% down from 12%!

Your Image

I competed in: football, track, swimming, natural bodybuilding; and participated in basketball, baseball, biking, tennis. I coached: football, wrestling, track; and did some personel training.

I took the National Course for personal trainers (cost hundreds), utilized various training programs as a coach and athlete, reviewed countless articles in journals, muscle and fitness magazines on training, body shaping and fat loss diets and routines....AND... NOTHING and I mean NOTHING comes even close to producing the fast and accelerated results of "MY LEGS OF STEEL"! Why pay more for programs that depend on much of your success coming from their dieting and/or supplements. Yes, eating healthy is important, BUT, "MY LEGS OF STEEL" is so POWERFUL it requires...

NO dieting!

NO supplementing!

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean you can go around eating sticks of butter and pizza every night before bed! But, those who did "MY LEGS OF STEEL" did not diet, so just imagine if you did diet or take supplements! I believe in eating healthy, I have my junk days, but I do not advocate for weight loss supplements as the sole means for weight loss because they do nothing to strengthen the heart (a muscle) and cardiovascular system, bones and other vital organs of the body.

As someone who liked to stay in shape, I was looking for that perfect routine that would allow me to maximize my efforts in a minimum amout of time and I found it! Now you can experience the rapid change I and others have starting today! Take advantage of this amazing 12 minute leg press routine and get your body into the best shape of your life, burning fat/cellulite like a blow torch, while building muscle and strength. This routine was designed with you in mind as others want to know what you've been doing!


12 Minutes, every 3 days!

Legs are half your body, yet most people don't work them! Jogging, jumping around in an aerobics class, biking etc.. is NOT working them, squats and even legs presses done the traditional way take time and merely USE the legs...you've got to “WORK” the legs! “MY LEGS OF STEEL" goes beyond miles and miles of jogging or hours of weights and gives you get the “fat burning" AND “muscle building" of aerobics and weight lifting in 15 minutes or less every 3 days! Just good science applied to fitness and fat loss.

Why don't people WORK their legs?

Well, guys think “curls for girls" and focus on the upper body, and women think jogging and aerobics will do the trick. Let's be honest, leg work outs can be hard and leave you sore like no other body part! But done right, YOUR legs will get YOU in the best shape of YOUR life, in record time, burning fat and cellulite like a blow torch! Side affects will include sexy, strong muscle and improved athletic performance!

FACT: To most effeciently burn fat you MUST build muscle! To burn more fat work the bigger, stronger muscles below the waist! Muscle is most affective at raising your metabolic rate, not your heart rate from cardio! (That doesn't mean cardio is not important, you get a 5 minute cardio program with this program.) Understand, you don't build a house from the upstairs down, you build the base first and it's no different with your body......build a strong base first. Additionally, intensity applied across large, strong muscles is key to fast results and maximal testosterone and Hgh release, fat loss as well as health benefits. This release of testoterone and human growth hormone will be in the cirulatory system when you work the upper body to accelerate your upper body gains as well! Overtraining can negate hgh release and that is what makes “MY LEGS OF STEEL" special....

NO overtraining!

Maximum results!

Minimum time!

NO dieting!

NO supplements to buy!

Results Guaranteed!

Consider...The lower body represents roughly 65% of the bodies muscle mass and the upper body 35%. Working your legs is like choosing to drive 65 mph vs. 35 mph! Want to get there faster? Take the guess work out of accelerating your fitness and performance gains. Aerobic classes, jogging, biking etc.. are not bad for you they just don't engage these large muscles below the waist in a way that challenges them like MY LEGS OF STEEL!

Again, “MY LEGS OF STEEL" has you move more weight PER UNIT TIME, using the fast, intermediate and slow twitch fibers while engaging the aerobic and anaerobic systems thereby triggering testosterone and growth hormone release critical to fitness gains such as strength, fat/cellulite loss, muscle tone and health. Get more calorie burning work per unit time get...“MY LEGS OF STEEL" today!


I was just starting school when I had an epiphany and developed "MY LEGS OF STEEL". I was only hoping to maintain my fitness while in school and was shocked at my fast results which caught the attention of others. Focused on school, marketing the program was the farthest thing from my mind. Afterall, I hadn't looked into the physiology and if it would work for others as it had me so I didn't ask for pictures, but did, out of curiousity, ask for a written testimonial. Well, I was dumbfounded at others results. Everyone and I mean everyone, regardless of their fitness level or athleticism had quick and positive results. I kept this to myself because I had to focus on school at this point, but knew after school I must do my research some I've presented below. Bottom line, the program works for anyone, it's physiologically impossible for the program to fail and that's why there's a 60 DAY DOUBLE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Please send before and after pics with testimonial to:


I assure you, no other program creates an AFTERBURNER affect like MY LEGS OF STEEL! I predict others will try to copy this program so be advised I developed this 30 years ago and am just now releasing it the public.


"I’m 65 years old and I was shocked at the results. I didn’t know what to expect, but I never thought anything could be so quick. One quick note of what it’s done for me. I play racquetball and I was playing a younger fellow who would beat me half the time. MY LEGS OF STEEL improved my quickness, stamina and strength so much I beat him 15-0, 15-0 and he got so depressed he was ready to quit racquetball. In addition, I’ve lost body fat, nearly doubled my strength and started developing definition. This is one program I definitely recommend if you are short on time and want results fast!”

J. Burnham, 65, Professional Counselor


MY LEGS OF STEEL is the gateway to athletic excellence and fitness! Every sport, every activity...


Be a Maverick get MY LEGS OF STEEL TODAY!

"MY LEGS OF STEEL" requires access to a Leg Press Machine or squat rack.

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Bodybuilders, legs are half your presentation so if you want and need results fast, check out what this natural bodybuilder had to say about "MY LEGS OF STEEL"...

“MY LEGS OF STEEL” is phenomenal!!! After only one workout I noticed striations in my outer quadriceps that were never there before….I NEVER thought gains like this were possible after only one workout… each subsequent workout has brought more striations and definition, increased strength, increased endurance and in addition I’ve added 3 lbs. of muscle in 2-½ weeks (significant for a natural bodybuilder). “MY LEGS OF STEEL” offers benefits to people of all ages and body types. Once again, thank you for showing me this phenomenal program.”

C. Gregurich, 20, Natural Bodybuilder
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Your Image


Every sport requires strength, quickness, speed, stamina and/or endurance in different capacities!

MY LEGS OF STEEL works fast because it addresses fast, intermediate and slow twitch fiber as well as the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body in less than 15 minutes WITHOUT initiating an overtraining response!

Your legs and buttocks represent over 65% of your bodies muscle mass and consist of the largest, strongest muscles in your body vs. 35% for the upper body. Because legs are used for everything you do they are extremely strong and resilient and as a result rarely get properly challenged to produce the fast and amazing results they are capable of.

MY LEGS OF STEEL works for any ability level or age. Less than 15 minutes every 3-4 days! During those days of rest the magic transformation happens.



The rear is not only pleasing to the eye but is extremelyrelevant when it comes to fitness and performance.


The best exercise for fitness and health can be done watching TV. Accidentally discovered by NASA, no fitness trainer talks about it, because most don't even know about it! But anyone who cares about their fitness and health should be doing this. This exercise has also been affective for treating cancer and other health problems.


Doctor approved. How to strengthen your heart without having to run miles and miles/day.


For women who fear weights will make them musclebound looking. Combine with Bonus #2 for a 1-2 punch to your fitness and health!




(Intense Excercise = HGH and testosterone release)

Hormones play a vital role in our health and fitness. Adrenalin, the fight or flight hormone can give us super human like strength in a stressful time such as when a mother sees her child in danger. Endorphins, the feel good hormones relax us and help neutralize the harmful bio-terrain created by toxins and stress released hormones like cortisol. (In another report I talk about the importance of stress in cancer, health and fitness.)

Human growth hormone (hgh)*, has been called the “youth” hormone for its anti-aging benefits and its contribution to fitness and health, helping keep the blood chemistry at optimal levels for health, fitness and youth.

*“Growth hormone is a protein secreted from the pituitary; it is named for one of its best know actions, the stimulation of physical growth of the body. It also has important metabolic actions, such as maintaining blood glucose levels, increasing the uptake of glucose and amino acids into muscle cells, and stimulating release of fatty acids from the fat cells.” (2)

Hgh begins to drop off around the age of 25 and with this drop there is a loss of muscle mass, muscle tone (body begins to sag), lowering of the metabolic rate, acceleration of aging process, and a decrease in immune system response and effectiveness. This is why as you age it take less food to gain weight. The loss of hgh results in increased fat, illness and fitness loss...intense exercise is the antidote!



Muscle fibers, like light switches, are either on or off. Notice how much tighter your bicep becomes when curling a 5 pound vs. a 50 pound dumbell. It only takes a few fibers to lift the 5 pounds leaving other fibers “OFF”. But the 50 pound dumbell requires more muscle fibers be turned “ON” resulting in a much tighter feeling biceps and few if any left "OFF". (Note: you can do the same thing pressing one hand down on the other if you don't have a dumbell.)

Since hgh amd testosterone is impacted by the "intensity"* of resistance exercise we need to find a way to release maximal amounts.

Sitting doesn't involve any muscle intensity, but when we get up and walk we increase the intensity. When we go up stairs we increase the intensity of muscle activation more and if we run up the stairs we increase muscle intensity even more. "Intensity" means turning more fibers "on" in order to release more hgh.

To release maximal amounts of hgh we must create an intensity that turns "on" as many of the largest muscle fibers as possible across all fiber types, both aerobic and anerobic platforms and do it quickly so as not to overtrain! When you do this you maximize the greatest release of hgh. The KEY to increasing intensity and fast results is.... PER UNIT TIME SEE ABOVE!

*“Intense exercise elicits peak secretion of two anabolic hormones, growth hormone and testosterone, which enter the general circulation and become available to act on muscle, bone, and other connective tissues.” (1)

*“One of the best growth hormone ‘releasers’ is resistance exercise…. the reasonable conclusion from the available data is that athletes should not waste any money on ‘growth’ hormone releasers.” (3, 4, 5)

“…the subjective results were dramatic…I felt more energetic and noticed marked improvements in my endurance when jogging (I could run faster with the same effort)…tight clothes became comfortable and visually I could note size changes (i.e. fat on stomach and sides less), legs and upper body muscles more massive…body fat content decreased 9.5% and my weight increased 3 lbs… I assume that I lost fat and increased muscle.”

L. Rees, 45, Minister

The legs and buttocks not only represent over 65% of the bodies muscle mass they are some of the largest and strongest muscles and therefore present you the best option for releasing maximal hgh. Intensely activated muscles release greater amounts of hgh than muscle that is merely used or going through the motion. The amount of hgh release corresponds to the numbers and size of muscle being activated. Intensely working a smaller muscle, such as the biceps, shoulder or chest muscle will not cause the same hgh release as working the larger muscles of the lower leg which are the key to releasing maximal amounts of hgh. Proof is evident from the many people who experience an increase in their upper body strength without even working it.


With MY LEGS OF STEEL injecting hgh is not necessary! If you want to be fit, healthy and stay young you need to release maximum hgh! Studies, with 65+ year olds, injected with hgh resulted in a reversal of the aging process, increased muscle tone, strength and fat loss. Hgh is why celebrities, spend thousands of dollars a month to inject hgh. MY LEGS OF STEEL causes the release of hgh and allows anyone of any age to release hgh and get results fast.


FACT: MUSCLE IS THE MOST METABOLICALLY ACTIVE TISSUE IN YOUR BODY (second to nervous tissue). It is estimated that every pound of muscle added to your body increases basal metabolic rate by approximately 50-100 calories per day. Using a conservative example, if you add five pounds of muscle to your frame, your body would automatically burn an additional 250 calories a day while at rest! (5 X 50 = 250). Note: Because muscle is denser than fat you may gain weight but loose body volume. From one of the users: "...I’ve gained 5 lbs., but dropped two (2) sizes in my skirts, jeans and pants..." (Complete testimonial below)

FACT: MY LEGS OF STEEL BUILDS MUSCLE! Since muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, maximal muscle fiber recruitment is the quickest way to build muscle, raise the metabolic rate and subsequently burn fat! MY LEGS OF STEEL does just that! From another user "....body fat content decreased 9.5% and my weight increased 3 lbs… I assume that I lost fat and increased muscle." (Testimonial below)

MY LEGS OF STEEL, unlike anything else on the market, intensely engages 65% of the bodies muscle. Working the larger muscles of the lower body is analogous to driving 65 mph vs. 35 mph in terms of getting to your destination faster...burning fat and developing a lean, toned body. Additionally, during the first 20-30 minutes of exercise the body uses glycogen and other sources for energy, BEFORE it begins to burn body fat. MY LEGS OF STEEL burns that glycogen up quick causing the body to burn body fat for energy, especially when followed by the intense cardio programs provided! It's best to follow weights with cardio to best burn fat.

It is short intense, exercise strategies that insure muscle building without triggering an over-training response. Over-training can result in a loss of muscle mass so crucial for higher metabolism, fat burning, strength, tone, immune system, etc.. Re-read the testimonial of the 21 yr old college student above, who was training an absurd 4-7 hours a day 7 days a week and was not getting any results..she was over-training! Over-training can actually resist fat burning leading to the “skinny fat person” coined by Covert Bailey. MY LEGS OF STEEL burns fat, because it is intense, quick and builds muscle that continues fat burning for some time after your workout.

The body has two distinct processes when it comes to exercise, aerobic (jogging-uses oxygen for energy) and anaerobic (weight lifting-without oxygen) These processes create different physiological and hormonal responses in the body easily seen when looking at the builds of different athletes. The unique incline leg press routine allows both processes to be engaged intensely helping you build muscle, burn fat, increase energy, produce a more efficient immune system etc..

Note: Aerobics primarily burn fat during the activity, (utilizing oxygen) but fail to build and stimulate the muscle mass in a way that stimulates HGH release. Muscle can only be sufficiently developed from weight lifting; and in fact, to much aerobics will use muscle for energy decreasing metabolic rate, meaning you can loose muscle tone and retain fat even though eating fewer calories. This is why people will say, “I run 3-6 miles a day, barely eat and I've still got cellulite and fat....read the runner testimonials especially the women who have to deal with a different hormonal arrangement related to the differences in sex. Aerobics primarily use muscle vs. build muscle. However, aerobics are important in building a strong cardio-vascular system and if not overdone assist in burning fat. It's all about staying within the window of optimal and maximal benefits derived from the two processes.


Vascular density is the concentration of arteriole and venous highways in an area. The higher concentration means you can provide more oxygen (important in burning fat, performance and health) to the cells and more effectively remove metabolic waste and toxins crucial to your health or “internal fitness”. It is this Vascular density that is responsible for the dramatic increase of endurance everybody reports as well as improved health from better oxygenation.

Additionally, vascular density, by increasing oxygen uptake increases energy and ones competitive edge by increasing stamina (ability to play at a higher level longer). Conclusion: vascular density aids weight loss because weight loss requires oxygen to burn fat, plus increases muscle strength and development, as well as overall health and prevention of disease (many illness are a result of oxygen deficiency at the cellular level) and why this nurse said,

"I have more overall endurance, strength and pulmonary vial capacity. I now run 3-6 miles not only with less shortness of breath, but I run 5 minutes faster and with greater fortitude and use less medication..".


Glycogen, not fat, is used for energy in the first 20 minutes of exercise; and for this reason, MY LEGS OF STEEL “intensely” engages large muscles first, burning glycogen and building muscle setting the stage for one of MY LEGS OF STEEL’s cardio sessions.

“The rate of glycogen depletion is related to exercise intensity.” (6)

The intense leg press routine and supplemental exercises (included) easily burns glycogen. Then when the body switches to body fat for its energy source, we switch to a quick intense cardio routine! By taking advantage of the bodies shifting energy sources we optimize fat burning and lean muscle building, strength and endurance. Accomplishing this within 25 minutes avoids over-training and risk the body switching to muscle for it’s energy source.

On a side note. Why is over-training bad? Cancer or other disease! Long distance and marathon runners have minimum muscle for maximum aerobic activity, i.e. hours of daily road work. However this if not built up to overe time can be over-training, and if one is not properly hydrated and eats proper nutrition, can lead to cancer due to the lactic acid build up resulting in shifting acidic ph levels. Along with a genetic modifier this is why athletes such as Lance Armstrong, Tour de France champion can get cancer.


Intense exercise utilizing large muscle groups saves time burns fat, releases hgh, builds muscle for increased metabolic rate, increased vascular density, cellular oxygenation and toxin-metabolic waste removal. A short upper body workout can insures ALL muscles of the body are activated to insure the most hgh release for maximal fat loss, muscle tone, youthfulness and health!

It's more than just engaging the legs and buttocks, it's HOW you engage them otherwise many of those who run, do aerobics, lift weights or a combination of these would not have experienced the results they got from MY LEGS OF STEEL. (See testimonials)

It should also be noted, this short but intense program will create soreness so if you can not handle being sore for a couple of days...this program is not for you. Additionally, you must have access to gym equipment necessary to provide the resistance required for such intensity.

“One of the best growth hormone ‘releasers’ is resistance exercise, or perhaps any exercise that produces a large rise in lactic acid” (3,5) “Intense exercise elicits peak secretion of two anabolic hormones, growth hormone and testosterone, which enter the 'general circulation' and become available to act on muscle, bone, and other connective tissues.” (1)


Rest is important to the repair and building process. When you glue something, you don’t start working with it before it has had time to properly bond. The same is true with your body, it needs adequate rest to insure enough time to repair and build the muscle that has been intensely worked. Many beginners wanting to make progress often over-train which is another way of saying they don’t get enough rest…even seasoned athletes make this mistake. However, athletes bodies require less rest as their bodies have over time, been gradually conditioned, thanks to a process called the adaptation process meaning the body can repair and build faster.

This adaptation process is akin to athletes bodies using superglue vs. non-athletes or the untrained using Elmer’s for repairs. The inclined leg press routine is very intense and triggers this adaptation response. You will you know this adaptation response has been triggered not only by the soreness but how quickly you begin to see improvements in fat burning, endurance, strength etc.. (See testimonials)

The inclined leg press routine’s intensity, creates lactic acid which creates soreness. The greater the intensity, the greater the lactic acid release and the greater the soreness. You will be sore even if you are a seasoned professional athlete. This program is based on physiological processes that have no regard for ones current level of conditioning.


Remember, you don't have to quit whatever exercising you're currently doing, you simply do the MY LEGS OF STEEL at the beginning of your current exercise program every 3rd day (Monday, Thursday etc.). You may end up cutting out some of you exercises as you learn how to maximize your results while minimizing your time. So if you're serious about getting in shape you can NOT ignore WORKING your legs......


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Fast, intermediate and slow twich activation....Watch striations come in, legs grow, stength increase..."MY LEGS OF STEEL" is not an option if you're serious about developing half your body!

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Aerobic & Anaerobic Activation...Watch strength, stamina, endurance and turn over rate increase as your time and performance improve dramatically! Whether Tour de France or sprint racing, strong legs with the accompanying stamina mean victory!

Your Image


Strength-Stamina-Endurance Building...Pushing that "burn" back will allow you to maintain greater speed and control giving you a competititve edge...a must when mere seconds mean winning or loosing!

For a jet to go supersonic it needs.... an afterburner! For you to get supersonic results you need....


Transform Yourself Today!

$ 29.99





The rear is not only pleasing to the eye but is extremelyrelevant when it comes to fitness and performance.


The best exercise for fitness and health can be done watching TV. Accidentally discovered by NASA, no fitness trainer talks about it, because most don't even know about it! But anyone who cares about their fitness and health should be doing this. This exercise has also been affective for treating cancer and other health problems.


Doctor approved. How to strengthen your heart without having to run miles and miles/day.


For women who fear weights will make them musclebound looking. Combine with Bonus #2 for a 1-2 punch to your fitness and health!


Paypal offers a payment plan, allowing you to pay over time, so get it before the price goes up!

You have a 60 day double money back guarantee!

MY LEGS OF STEEL will help you get rid of the fat/cellulite and get sexy, strong, toned muscle. The most important thing is this program will last you for a lifetime. You can use it as a maintenance program or take yourself to the next level, either with the leg press or squat version.

Please send before and after pictures to: mylegsofsteel@gmail.com

Don't wait, let MY LEGS OF STEEL transform your fitness. In 30 days or less YOU will see a dramatic improvement in your fitness!




People Are Talking...

“I’m 65 years old and I was shocked at the results. I didn’t know what to expect, but I never thought anything could be so quick. One quick note of what it’s done for me. I play racquetball and I was playing a younger fellow who would beat me half the time. MY LEGS OF STEEL improved my quickness, stamina and strength so much I beat him 15-0, 15-0 and he got so depressed he was ready to quit racquetball. In addition, I’ve lost body fat, nearly doubled my strength and started developing definition. This is one program I definitely recommend if you are short on time and want results fast!”
J. Burnham, 65, Professional Counselor

“I’m amazed, MY LEGS OF STEEL increased my strength, increased my endurance by 50%, definition starting to show, reduced body fat by 5%, running used to be laboring…to get these kind of results with my large frame and body I can wholeheartedly recommend MY LEGS OF STEEL”
T. Rosen, 42, Registered Nurse

“I had been working out with weights along with cardiovascular exercise for 10 years…I have never gotten the results like I did from MY LEGS OF STEEL…the almost immediate results shocked me…a dramatic change in my endurance level…I have NEVER had striations, let alone believe they were even possible and in such a short time…….my connective tissue seemed to increase in strength and stability…loss of body fat overall, especially noticeable in the legs, hips and abdominals…at 6’3” and 230 lbs. I was most impressed with the vascularity, definition and improved strength ALL AT THE SAME TIME…. Thanks and wishing you the best.”
J. King, 28 Correctional Officer

“Before MY LEGS OF STEEL I had been running 3-6 miles 2X’s per week for the previous 3 yrs. and I still had lots of unsightly cellulite at buttocks and posterior thighs, flabby hips, thighs, buttocks and calves… Since MY LEGS OF STEEL the backs of my legs are smooth, I’ve gained 5 lbs., but dropped two (2) sizes in my skirts, jeans and pants. I’ve had asthma since childhood, thanks to MY LEGS OF STEEL I have more overall endurance, strength and pulmonary vital capacity. I now run 3-6 miles not only with less shortness of breath, but I run 5 minutes faster and with greater fortitude and use less medication…on a side note my husband thanks you too! Thank you very much.”
S. Rosen, 33, Registered Nurse

“…the subjective results were dramatic…I felt more energetic and noticed marked improvements in my endurance when jogging (I could run faster with the same effort)…tight clothes became comfortable and visually I could note size changes (i.e. fat on stomach and sides less), legs and upper body muscles more massive…body fat content decreased 9.5% and my weight increased 3 lbs… I assume that I lost fat and increased muscle.”
L. Rees, 45, Minister

“….achieved increased endurance, strength, muscle tone, decrease in body fat….a healthful appearance and attitude….lead me to a specific goal that was obtained without wasting my time….a real time saver.”
Sincerely yours,
G.W. Bittner, 37, Attorney at Law

“Endurance increased dramatically… increase in overall body strength… more definition; body fat dropped….MY LEGS OF STEEL decreased my total exercise time….there was no change in my diet. This is one program I would recommend to anyone.”
M. Buettner, 28, Fitness Instructor

"I had been working out for 2 yrs. doing aerobics 3-4 X’s/wk for 30-60 minutes plus some occasional weights and I was at a standstill. I had heard about MY LEGS OF STEEL but probably like others, I was skeptical, but I had a guarantee so I gave it a try. Am I ever glad I did, I had noticeable results after only 1 week--I was impressed…now no more cheesy cellulite on the back of my legs and glutes…the most amazing thing to me is the results are immediate, not to mention I still continue to eat as I like… MY LEGS OF STEEL is for anyone who’s at a standstill and doesn’t have a lot of time. The most rewarding thing I got from MY LEGS OF STEEL was getting into a bikini for the first time in my life; I lost 23 lbs of flab and my Doctor wanted to know what I’d been doing!”
D.M. Nelson, 27, Speech Pathologist

References: Kraemer, W.J., L. Marchitelli, S.E. Gordon, E. Harman, J.E. Dziados, R. Mello, P. Frykman, D. McCurry, and S.J. Fleck. Hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance exercise protocols. J. Appl. Physiol. 69(4):1442-1450. 1990. * Hesse, D.G., D.E. Matthews, R.L. Leibel, J.M. Gertner, D.A. Fischman, and S.F. Lowry. Recombinant growth hormone enhances muscle myosin heavy-chain mRNA accumulation and amino acid accrual in humans. Proc. Atl. Acad Sci. U.S.A.86:3371-3374. 1989. * Felsing, N.E., J.A. Brasel, and D.M. Cooper. Effect of low and high intensity exercise on circulating growth hormone in men. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 75:157-162. 1992 * Kraemer, W.J., S.E. Gordon, S.J. Fleck, L.J. Marchitelli, R. Mello, J.E. Dziados, K.E. Friedl, E. Harman, C. Maresh, and A.C. Fry. Endogenous anabolic hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance exercise in males and females. Int. J. Sports Med. 12:228235. 1991. * Kraemer, R.R., J.L. Kilgore, G.R. Kraemer, and V.D. Castracane. Growth hormone, IGF-1, and testosterone responses to resistive exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24:1346-1352. 1992. * “The rate of glycogen depletion is related to exercise intensity.” Papanicolaou, G.N., and E.A. Falk, General muscular hypertrophy induced by androgenic hormone. Science87:238239, 1938. MacIntyre, J.G. Growth hormone and athletes. Sports Med. 4:129-142. 1987. * Fleck, S.J., and W.J. Kraemer, Designing Resistance Training Programs. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 1987. * Garhammer, J. Sports Illustrated Strength Training. New York: Harper & Row. 1986. * Lombardi, V. Beginning Weight Training. Dubuque, IA.: Brown. 1989. * Pauletto, B. Rest and recuperation. NSCA Journal 8(3):52-53. 1986. * Stone, M. and H. O’Bryant. Weight Training.Minneapolis: Burgess International. 1987. * Westcott, W. Strength Fitness.Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 1982. * Med Sci sprts Exerc. 36(9): 1499-1506. 2004 * J Appl Physiol. 74(2)”882-887, 1993. * Intense exercise elicits peak secretion of two anabolic hormones, growth hormone and testosterone, which enter the general circulationand become available to act on muscle, bone, and other connective tissues.” (1) * Growth hormone is a protein secreted from the pituitary; it is named for one of its best know actions, the stimulation of physical growth of the body. It also has important metabolic actions, such as maintaining blood glucose levels, increasing the uptake of glucose and amino acids into muscle cells, andstimulating release of fatty acids from the fat cells.” (2) * One of the best growth hormone ‘releasers’ is resistance exercise…. the reasonable conclusion from the available data is that athletes should not waste any money on ‘growth’ hormone releasers.” (3, 4, 5) * One of the best growth hormone ‘releasers’ is resistance exercise, or perhaps any exercise that produces a large rise in lactic acid(3,5) Intense exercise elicits peaksecretion of two anabolic hormones, growth hormone and testosterone, which enter the general circulation and become available to act on muscle,bone, and other connective tissues.” (1) “The rate of glycogen depletion is realted to exercise intensity.” (6)

Bret Contrerase supports Leg Press as viable https://bretcontreras.com/leg-press-functional-strength/

Quora article validates legs for increasing overall body strength https://www.quora.com/Why-do-I-feel-much-more-exhausted-after-a-lower-body-weight-lifting-session-in-comparison-to-when-I-do-an-upper-body-workout

Testosterone nation article on leg press vs. squat https://www.t-nation.com/training/leg-press-vs-squat-the-final-chapter


Conditions to recieve double money back:

1. Must do 20 workouts of either the leg press or squat version of MY LEGS OF STEEL.

2. Film every set of all 20 workouts.

3. Provide before and after pictures.

4. Provide before and after body fat percentage.

5. Provide before and after body weight.

NOTE: A 60 day money back is still provided if you do not meet the above requirements, BUT not a double money back.

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